EMDR And TFCBT Through Online And In Person Counseling In Eureka, CA
What Is EMDR?
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and is a type of trauma therapy that helps people heal from trauma or other upsetting life experiences. EMDR Therapy has been thoroughly researched and has been shown to be effective for trauma as well as other issues such as anxiety, phobias, depression, addictions, and a variety of other issues listed below.
About EMDR Therapy
Our brains have a natural way to recover from bad experiences and events. This process involves a conversation between our Amygdala (alarm system of the brain), the Hippocampus (part of the brain that helps with learning and involves memories of safety and danger), and the Prefrontal Cortex (the thinking part of the brain which controls behavior and emotion).
While often bad experiences can be resolved spontaneously, there are times when they may not be able to be processed without help. Stress responses are part of our natural fight, flight, and freeze instincts. When distress from an upsetting event remains, the upsetting images, thoughts, emotions, and feelings in our bodies may cause us to feel overwhelmed, like we are back in that moment, or as if we are “frozen in time.”
EMDR online or in person counseling helps the brain process the memories which allows natural healing to resume. The experience is still remembered, but the intense fight, flight, and freeze response is reduced or gone. This can also be done through weekly online or in person therapy or you can do more therapy in less time with an EMDR Intensives.
How Is Online Or In Person EMDR Different From Other Therapies?
One of the best things about EMDR is that it doesn’t require talking in detail about what happened or homework in between sessions. EMDR, rather than trying to change emotions, thoughts, or behaviors resulting from an upsetting event, allows the brain to resume it’s natural healing process. It’s designed to work through unprocessed trauma memories in the brain. Part of the counseling includes alternating eye movements, sounds, or taps. This is to engage both sides of the brain in working on processing the memory and works similar to how the brain makes sense of things as we dream in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. For many clients, online or in person EMDR therapy for trauma can be completed in fewer sessions than other therapies.
Who Can Benefit From Online Or In Person EMDR Counseling?
Online or in person EMDR helps children and adults- all ages. Therapists use EMDR with a wide range of challenges such as:
Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Phobias
Chronic Illness and Medical Issues
Depression and Bipolar Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Eating Disorders
Grief and Loss
Performance Anxiety
Personality Disorders
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Other Trauma and Stress Related Issues
Abuse, Neglect, and Attachment Issues
Sleep Disturbances
Substance Abuse and Addictions
Domestic Violence
Research In Support of EMDR Effectiveness:
Twenty four randomized controlled trials support the positive effects of EMDR Therapy in the treatment of emotional trauma and other adverse life experiences relevant to clinical practice.
Seven of ten studies reported EMDR Therapy to be more rapid and/ or more effective than truama-focused cognitive behavioral therapy.
Twelve randomized studies of the eye movement component noted rapid decreases in negative emotions and/ or vividness of disturbing images, with an additional 8 reporting a variety of other memory effects.
Numerous other evaluations document that EMDR Therapy provides relief from a variety of somatic complaints.
If you are ready to start learning to reduce your anxiety and to want to heal from your past so you can enjoy your life again and feel more calm and able to cope with life's daily stress, use the contact page to request your free 15 minute phone consultation for online or in person counseling in Eureka, CA.
Intro To EMDR Therapy From The EMDR International Association.
A video introducing EMDR Therapy.
Healing Trauma: Stories From The EMDR International Association
Stories of people who have done EMDR and healed their pain.
For more information about EMDR, check out the EMDR International Association’s website: https://www.emdria.org
What Is Online Or In Person TFCBT?
TFCBT stands for Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is a type of counseling that helps people heal from trauma or other upsetting life events. It has been researched thoroughly and has been shown to be effective in treating trauma.
About Online Or In Person TFCBT
TFCBT is a joint child and caregiver therapy model for children and teens who are experiencing emotional and behavioral difficulties related to past traumas. Its relatively brief, 12- 20 sessions, unless the traumas are very complex and then it can take longer.
The goal is to enable children and youth who have experienced trauma or other negative life events, and their supportive caregivers, to learn skills to cope with trauma related emotional and behavioral problems, face and resolve those problems in a safe and therapeutic way, and to integrate their trauma experiences and help them move on with their lives in a safe and positive manner.
Specifically, online or in person TFCBT is designed to help reduce trauma related symptoms such as PTSD, trauma related depression, anxiety, behavioral problems, and common trauma related issues such as fear, shame, embarrassment, guilt, and self blame. Online or in person TFCBT also improves caregiver support of the child, parenting skills, and parent- child communication.
Who Is It For?
Children and youth, 3- 18 years old.
Examples of trauma events include:
Experiencing or witnessing domestic violence, abuse, neglect, bullying, and other forms of violence in the home, school, or community.
Unexpected traumatic death of a loved one.
Car Accident.
Natural or man- made disaster such as a tornado, flood, earthquake, chemical spill, train or airplane crash.
Dog or animal attack.
Exposure to war, combat violence, torture.
Online or in person TFCBT can also be used successfully with other disorders such as ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder.
If you are ready to start learning to cope with your child’s anxiety and their past hurts so you can enjoy your life again and both of you can feel more calm and able to cope with life's daily stress, use the contact page to request your free 15 minute phone consultation for online or in person counseling in Eureka, CA.